AccuFLEX enduro


Production Floor CMM

The AccuFLEX enduro is a ruggedly designed CMM built to withstand the harsh conditions of the shop floor. Thanks to its compact size, it can be easily positioned next to your production line for added convenience and efficiency. And this operator friendly CMM does not require a trained metrologist to run it.

  • No dedicated air supply required.
  • Automatic temperature compensation.
  • Choice of most Renishaw probe heads including 3-axis PH10, 5-axis PH20, PH6M and scanning probe options.
  • Open-platform accepts any CMM software.
Industries Best Served
  • Manufacturing
  • Fabrication

Other AccuFLEX CMMs

elite (bridge)

horizon (horizontal)

atlas (gantry)

AccuFLEX enduro Specifications X Y Z T1 Accuracy MPEe
Measuring Range and Accuracy 700mm 600mm 500mm 4.5 + L/300 µm
Resolution 0.1 µm
Mode of Operation Motorized/CNC
Guidance High Precision Linear Guideways
Max. 3D Positioning Speed 700 mm/sec
Max. 3D Acceleration 1200mm/sec2